학술저널명 | 창간연도 | 설명 |
한국자원식물학회지 |
1988 |
한국자원식물학회지는 1988년 창간호가 발간되었으며, 분기별로 년간 6회(2월,4월,6월,8월,10월,12월)출판 됩니다. The Korean Journal of Plant Resources is the official journal published bimonthly in February28, April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31 and December 31 each year. It was launched in October 30, 1988. Aims and Scope The Plant Resources Society of Korea is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge regarding the physical, mechanical, analytical, and applied aspects for composite materials, structures, and related academic disciplines. It is an international English journal published by the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures (KOSACS), and covers all the scientific and technological aspects of chemistry, physics, mechanics, packing, safety, engineering, analysis, manufacturing, testing, construction, and application of composite materials and structures. |